Situs Judi Bola
Publikacje | Nanolaboratory Nantes


Effect of water treatment with low-temperature and low-pressure glow plasma of low frequency on
the growth of selected microorganisms



Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Silver and Gold Nanocomposites Based on Potato Starch in Distilled and Cold Plasma-Treated Water



The Preparation of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles in Hyaluronic Acid and the Influence of Low-Pressure Plasma Treatment on Their Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties



Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Silver and Gold Nanocomposites Based on Potato Starch in Distilled and Cold Plasma-Treated Water



The Effect of Plasma-TreatedWater on Microbial Growth and Biosynthesis of Gamma-Decalactones by
Yarrowia lipolytica Yeast



The Improvement of Reserve Polysaccharide Glycogen Level and Other Quality Parameters of S. cerevisiae Brewing Dry Yeasts by Their Rehydration in Water, Treated with Low‐Temperature, Low‐Pressure Glow Plasma (LPGP)



Properties of Water Activated with Low‐Temperature Plasma
in the Context of Microbial Activity



Effect of water treatment with low-temperature and low-pressure glow plasma of low frequency on the growth of selected microorganisms


Specyfic way of controlling yield and quality of crops of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) and tailoring some of its functional properties

Specyficzna modulacja kontroli wydajności i jakości plonów rukoli (Eruca sativa Mill.) oraz niektórych jej właściwości funkcjonalnych


Specyfic modulation of flavor and aroma of Greek oregano (Origanium vulgare vat. hirtum) and its essential oil

Specyficzna modulacja smaku i aromatu greckiego oregano (Origanum vulgare var. hirtum) i jego olejku eterycznego


Towards recognizing the mechanisms of effects evoked in living organisms by static magnetic field. Numerically
simulated effects of the static magnetic field upon simple inorganic molecules. [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]



SpecificWay of Controlling Composition of Cannabinoids and Essential Oil from Cannabis sativa var. Finola



Reaction of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. toWater
Treated with Low-Temperature, Low-Pressure Glow
Plasma of Low Frequency



Specific Controlling Essential Oil Composition of
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Involving
Low-Temperature, Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of
Low Frequency



Eff ect of Watering of Selected Seasoning Herbs with Water Treated with Low-Temperature, Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency



Cultivation of Cress Involving Water Treated Under Di erent Atmospheres with Low-Temperature, Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency



Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Carbon Dioxide with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma of Low Frequency



Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Methane with Low-Temperature Glow Plasma of Low Frequency



Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated under Nitrogen with Low-Temperature Glow Plasma



Water of Increased Content of Molecular Oxygen



Publisher of scholarly open access journals

Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated Under Methane with Low-Temperature Glow Plasma of Low Frequency

Animal Reproduction

Storage of boar semen at 16-18 °C in the long-term commercial extender prepared with deionized water or nanowater.




Application ofWater Treated with Low-Temperature Low-Pressure Glow Plasma for Quality Improvement of Barley and Malt



Current Physical Chemistry

Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Water Treated with Low-Temperature Low-Frequency Glow Plasma


Experimental Biology and Medicine

The utility of nanowater for ram semen cryopreservation




Stimulation of pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi with water treated with low-temperature,
low-pressure glow plasma of low frequency


Plantation of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Using Water Treated with Low-pressure, Low-temperature Glow Plasma of Low Frequency

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